Investments: Model Portfolios
Asset Classes
All of the following asset classes are considered when constructing and rebalancing our model portfolios:
US Large-Cap Growth
US Large-Cap Value
US Mid-Cap Growth
US Mid-Cap Value
US Small-Cap Growth
US Small-Cap Value
International Developed Markets
International Emerging Markets
Fixed Income/Bonds/Cash
Corporate Bonds
Short-Term US Treasuries
Intermediate-Term US Treasuries
Long-Term US Treasuries
Mortgage-Backed Securities
Inflation-Protected Securities
High-Yield Bonds
Floating Rate Bonds
Short-Term Municipal Bonds
Intermediate-Term Municipal Bonds
Long-Term Municipal Bonds
International Bonds
Cash/Money Market
Real Estate (REITs)
Natural Resources
Precious Metals
Private Equity
Private Debt
Risk Levels
We offer six different levels of risk tolerance to match up with our clients’ investment needs of risk and time horizon.
Risk Level 1
Risk Level 4
Slightly Aggressive
Risk Level 2
Moderately Conservative
Risk Level 3
Slightly Conservative
Risk Level 5
Moderately Aggressive
Risk Level 6
We offer 21 unique model portfolios.
Tell us a little bit about what you are trying to accomplish and we will show you which of our model portfolios is most appropriate for you.
Unscreened Models
We construct these portfolios with exchange-traded funds (ETFs). They are diversified among multiple asset classes.
PWM Capital Preservation Portfolio
PWM Portfolio 1
PWM Portfolio 2
PWM Portfolio 3
PWM Portfolio 4
PWM Portfolio 5
PWM Portfolio 6
Faith-Based Models
We construct these portfolios with exchange-traded funds (ETFs) from fund companies that adhere to Christian values. They are diversified among multiple asset classes.
PWM Faith Capital Preservation Portfolio
PWM Faith Portfolio 1
PWM Faith Portfolio 2
PWM Faith Portfolio 3
PWM Faith Portfolio 4
PWM Faith Portfolio 5
PWM Faith Portfolio 6
Catholic Values Models
We construct these portfolios in accord with the “Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops” (2021) to adhere to Catholic values (more information here). They are diversified among multiple asset classes.
PWM Catholic Values Capital Preservation Portfolio
PWM Catholic Values Portfolio 1
PWM Catholic Values Portfolio 2
PWM Catholic Values Portfolio 3
PWM Catholic Values Portfolio 4
PWM Catholic Values Portfolio 5
PWM Catholic Values Portfolio 6