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Estate Planning is for Everyone!
Do some of these questions keep you up at night?
Have you been avoiding completing your Estate Planning documents? Maybe because you thought it was too expensive?
What documents do I need? A Will? A Revocable Living Trust? A Power of Attorney? A Health Care Directive?
Should I name a guardian for my minor children?
Who will care for my pets?
Who do I want to leave things to when I pass away?
Who do I want to take care of the settling of my Estate?
Available in All 50 States!
Wealth.com is the industry’s leading estate planning platform built and maintained by leading estate attorneys.
As the only tech-led, end-to-end estate planning platform built specifically for financial advisors and their clients, it facilitates high quality document creation, visualization for complex estates, Al extraction capabilities, and elegant client reports.
Our clients are given direct, unlimited access to Wealth.com’s online platform to create, update and manage their estate plans.
Wealth.com guides our clients through the process of creating an estate plan through a series of questions, demystifying an often daunting process. It also allows our clients to easily update their documents as often as they need to.
Advisors at Encompass Advisory Services are also able to access our clients’ estate plans to help uncover potential strategies and to help our clients ensure their estate plans match their goals.
For the avoidance of doubt, neither Prosperitas Wealth Management, Encompass Advisory Services, LLC, nor Wealth.com render legal advice or services.
It is expressly understood and agreed that the above entities do not provide legal advice nor prepare any legal documents for clients.